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Maryland bans pigeon shoots: Groups push to end ‘incredibly cruel’ tradition in Pennsylvania

Live pigeon shoots are inhumane contests where live birds who have been captured are shot at close range by shooters who earn points for every bird they shoot.

TOM KNAPP: ‘Maryland has banned live pigeon shoots, and some animal welfare advocates say that puts pressure on Pennsylvania to do the same.“Pennsylvania is the only state where it openly and regularly occurs,” said Heidi Prescott, senior vice president of campaigns for the Humane Society… “Pennsylvania should follow suit… Most states have banned the practice outright or have said it falls under anti-cruelty laws”, Prescott said…

“The activities at a pigeon shoot are incredibly cruel, from the treatment of the birds ahead of time to the ones who are wounded but get away to die slowly, horribly, over a period of days,” she said. “Kids are sent out to kill the injured ones, usually by snapping their necks or pulling their heads off. “It’s one of the worst things I’ve ever seen, and my whole life has been devoted to working on animal cruelty”…

According to information provided by Gillian Kocher, spokeswoman for the Pennsylvania SPCA, live pigeon shoots “are inhumane contests where live birds who have been captured … are shot at close range by shooters who earn points for every bird they shoot”… About 70 percent of the birds are wounded but not killed outright, according to the release’. SOURCE…


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